Managing Your Daylite Subscription

In Daylite, the days remaining in your trial period will appear at the top of your Daylite screen. You can also check your trial status on your Daylite Account Manager page.

What are my options when my trial period has ended?

Daylite cannot be accessed without a subscription after your trial has ended. In order to continue using Daylite, you will need to subscribe to one of our plans.

You can purchase a Daylite subscription at any time before the end of your free trial period.

Here are the steps to subscribe to Daylite:

  1. Go to Daylite > Settings > Account
    Daylite Preferences
  2. On the page that appears, click 'Manage Account'


  3. Your Account Manager page will open in your web browser. Click the ‘Subscribe to Daylite’ button on the page that appears.

  4. On the page that appears, choose either the Yearly or Monthly subscription plan option and then click 'Next'.
  5. Enter your payment information and billing address, and then click 'Next'Daylite Preferences Account Subscribe to Daylite payment Method
  6. On the final page, review your plan and billing details and click 'Subscribe to Daylite' to complete the payment.    

    Daylite Settings Account Subscribe to Daylite

The rates that appear on this page will reflect how many active seats are currently on your account. To add additional seats, click on the ‘Users’ tab.

If you want to cancel your subscription, please follow these steps.

Managing App Store Subscriptions 

Here is some information on How to Subscribe to Daylite with an App Store Subscription or How to cancel your Daylite App Store Auto-Renewal.  

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