Uninstall and Reinstall Daylite on your iOS Device

In this article, we will go over the steps on how to uninstall and reinstall the Daylite application on your iOS device. 

  1. Perform a manual sync in Daylite. 
  2. Quit Daylite
  3. Hold down on the Daylite app on the home screen, and select "Remove App"
  4. Select Delete App
  5. Launch the App Store
  6. Search for Daylite
  7. Download the Daylite App
  8. Log in to your database


Note ℹ️

The storage required to download your database depends on its size. For most accounts, we recommend having at least 5 GB of free storage, but larger databases may require additional space.

Additionally, do not let your device go to sleep during the download, as this may cause time-out errors.

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