Importing contacts from a spreadsheet

Watch a step-by-step guide on how to import from a spreadsheet file or follow the steps outlined below.

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Importing Delimited Data

1. From the Menu Bar in Daylite, choose File > Import > Import from Spreadsheet (CSV, TSV).

  • In the import window, click the Browse button and locate the file you want to import.
  • From the "Kind" drop-down selector, choose which kind of data you are importing into Daylite. The default is People.
  • The default spreadsheet format is CSV. If yours is different, then choose TSV.

Warning ⚠️

Do not adjust the Field Wrapper fields unless the data you are importing has specific fields, such as <> or " ".

Tip 💡

Do you see your CSV/TSV file in Finder? Drag it to the Daylite icon on your dock instead!

2. Complete the Mapping

  • Each Source field is a column header from your original spreadsheet. To import data correctly, match each Source field with a Destination field in Daylite.
  • Use the “+” and “-” buttons at the bottom to add or remove source fields as needed.

Note: When mapping certain fields, like the primary email, a ‘Unique’ checkbox appears. If checked, Daylite will look for existing people with the same value during import.

If a match is found, the unique value won’t be imported, but other details from the same row will be added to the matching record. /div>

Tip 💡

If you can’t find a suitable Destination field for the information you’re importing into Daylite, you can specify your own by selecting one of the Extra Fields or using Daylite Forms to capture it.

3. Save your Mapping Profile (steps below)

Tip 💡

This is useful if you need to similar imports in the future. Next time you can load this mapping profile instead of setting all the destinations for your columns.

4. Click Import

Note: A Last Import list will automatically be created in Daylite with all your newly imported entries

If you delete this list, it will not delete the records you imported.

Saving a Mapping Profile

Mapping profiles are handy if you import the same type of information on a regular basis.

Once you have made your selections by following the steps above, save a new mapping profile by choosing Profile > Save Profile As. Provide a name and destination when prompted. If you have an existing profile and then make new changes, then choose the Profile > Save option instead.

Loading a Mapping Profile

To load a profile you previously used for a similar import:

  1. Open the 'Import Delimited data' window
  2. Clicking 'Browse' and choose the file you're importing.
  3. Click on the Profile button, and select Load Profile to browse for your mapping profile

Note ℹ️

The file name for Mapping Prifles end in .dlmap4.

Additional Tips

  • Select Preview to refernce specific values from your columns in your spreadsheet
  • For fields representing dates such as birth date, date last modified, start date, end date etc., choose a date format in the Date Interpretation pop-up menu.
  • Importing dates require specific formatting. Below is a list of supported formats

    2013/01/20 02:13PM

    2013.01.20 14:13

    2013-01-20 14:13:20

    2013/04/15 10:05:30 -0500

    2013/04/15 10:05 -0500

  • When settiing emails, addresses or extra fields, define the label

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